Carbon neutral by 2030!​.

Empower your data with green edge DC

As a major player in the data center industry, we have a key role to play in making data green and achieve our goal to make our data centers carbon neutral by 2030 (commitment we took as part of the Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact).


ETIX only deploys Eco-Friendly Data Centers,​
providing among the best PUE (energy efficiency ratio)
of the market


Technical solution

Electrical and mechanical infrastructures

Photovoltaic power plant
The production of renewable energy via photovoltaic panels on the roof of the ETIX Bangkok #1 data center saves the emission of 17,000 tons of CO2, which is the equivalent of 580 cars taken off the road per year or 23,000 trees planted.
*Estimated from carbon baseline of 0.56tCO2/MWh announced by Thai Greenhouse Gas Management.

Best PUE & WUE trade-off

Data center environmental impact must be estimated not just with the power consumed (PUE) but also with the water used (WUE) in the cooling system. Faced with water shortages following the episodes of drought that are raging in the world, it is more than essential to reduce water consumption in cooling systems.

Etix Everywhere has always opted for technologies that does not consume water, allowing it to benefit from the lowest WUE ratio on the market.

Our future optimizations

Part of the way has already been done, but there is still a lot to do in order to further reduce our environmental footprint.

Green Power Purchase Agreement
In some locations, the use of low-carbon energy is non-existent due to a high-carbon electricity mix in the country. To respond to this problem, we are setting up green Power Purchase Agreements with private suppliers.
Recovery of the waste heat on all our DCs
The implementation of waste heat recovery sysyem in our data centers depends on access to a heating network or to a nearby heat-consuming industry. Our CSR teams develop partnerships with the administrations and companies nearby our sites to increase the recovery of this heat produced.
Reusing instead of building
In order to reduce the carbon footprint linked to the construction of new buildings, Etix Everywhere always opt for refurbishing existing buildings (former warehouse, disused factories) when possible and deploying the data center modules inside.
Waste treatment
The installation of new servers and the replacement of used equipment, actions carried out daily by our customers, leads to the creation of a large amount of waste that our operations teams will be required to recycle.
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We combined every popular questions about our Data center sustainability

A data center consumes electricity for the use of hosted computer servers, followed by the cooling system which represents on average 40% of the data center’s electrical power, at Etix this represents only 25%.

The IT sector alone is responsible for 4% of CO2 emissions worldwide, more than air traffic, a quarter of which is attributable to data centers. As these are connected to the national electricity grid, their carbon impact is highly dependent on the country’s electricity mix.

First, technology must be used to reduce the “Power Usage Effectiveness” PUE of the data center. It is then necessary to use low-carbon electricity. Finally, waste heat recovery techniques must be used.

If you can’t find the answer to your question here, or you would simply like to find out more about ETIX Data Center, please don’t hesitate to contact us.