Groupe VFLIT.

The VFLIT Group is a unique and global partner for information systems management, offering a complete range of services for SMEs, local authorities, health establishments, educational institutions, liberal professions and associations. The VFLIT Group is the result of the merger of OMR Infogérance, Dactyl Infogérance, Medis, Siren and CTV, and is independent and multi-brand. Its network of proximity includes 12 agencies and 230 employees, on the ¼ north-west of France, from the regions Centre-Val de Loire to Brittany through the Pays de la Loire. The complementarity of IT professions allows to bring a global offer to imagine, design, deploy and manage Information Systems (IS) and communication systems.
Our Services

What Service We Offer

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Cloud Managed Services

Web Hosting



Cyber Security

Digital Transformation

Where is Groupe VFLIT available ?

Let’s start your transformation !


Business Development Manager