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Discover, purchase, migrate and deploy IT solutions with our Etix exclusive partner network.
To find the partner that best meets your needs and to make it easier for you to discover the services offered in each of our data centres, we decided to launch the Etix Everywhere marketplace. It’s a simple tool that allows the ETIX community to find the right service to improve their performance while growing with ETIX.
To find the partner that best meets your needs and to make it easier for you to discover the services offered in each of our data centers, we have decided to launch the Etix Everywhere marketplace. This marketplace is a simple tool that allows all our customers to :
To give visibility and encourage exchanges between the members.
Quickly and easily access solutions and services tailored to your needs.
Develop synergies and create growth levers.
I found a consultant in the Marketplace to help my company migrate to an ETIX location next to our customers.
We combined every popular questions about our Marketplace
Yes, it’s free. You need to work with Etix and have a proven track record in your industry to join the Marketplace.
Filter the above results by company, choose your consultant. Refer to ETIX when starting the discussions. You will get a warm welcome.
If you can’t find the answer to your question here, or you would simply like to find out more about ETIX Data Center, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
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